Defense Industry | Campbell Corporation

Campbell Corporation

Defense Industry

Campbell Corporation is an expert in lean manufacturing, providing upstanding lean process improvement and facility layout services to diverse industries. We ensure that every layout we design for our clients is based on their specifications, leveraging lean principles to achieve substantial productivity and cost-effectiveness. With our deep understanding of the IBAS funding process, defense industries trust us to build an ITAR compliant facility while helping them navigate the rigorous process.

Building a High-Performance ITAR Facility

The Department of Defense has stringent guidelines and regulations regarding the packaging and warehousing of products for military and defense use. Its requirements encompass facility security, designation of restricted and non restricted areas, ITAR controlled area visibility from non ITAR areas and the exterior, and more. These are devised to make sure all products are accounted for on and before delivery, ensuring they’re in perfect working order.

ITAR (International Traffic in Arms Regulations) compliance is a program with extensive requirements that was instituted by the US government to protect and control defense-related products, services, and technologies. The government requires all manufacturers, brokers, exporters, and defense service providers to be ITAR compliant – this is where Campbell Corporation comes in.

We’ll help you understand what’s required to build an ITAR compliant facility, and we’ll base around a checklist that consists of all critical ITAR facility requirements:

  • Assessing any risks
  • Defining the roles and responsibilities
  • Written procedures and policies
  • Comprehensive record-keeping
  • Continuous training
  • Audits and inspections
  • Commitment to management

Streamlining your ITAR compliant facility and its process can maintain a steady workflow with your capabilities and limitations in mind. At Campbell Corporation, we can help automate your ITAR facility for better and more proactive control.

The Importance of Meeting ITAR Facility Requirements

Meeting the requirements set by the Department of Defense is imperative when dealing with military and defense products. These are far more in-depth than standard goods, so superior handling and shipping are required to protect the products from damage or loss.

Adherence to ITAR regulations ensures that your facility is secure and guarantees that all goods don’t fall into the wrong hands. Violating ITAR regulations means criminal or civil penalties, suspension from exporting goods in the future, and/or imprisonment.

Criminal fines may be up to $50,000 per violation. Meanwhile, criminal penalties are as high as $1,000,000 and ten years of imprisonment per violation.

Facilitating the IBAS Funding Process

The Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment Program (IBAS) program is a Department of Defense (DOD) initiative to target various industrial base concerns. It’s meant to provide funding and support for defense companies, particularly ITAR compliant facilities.

It won’t sustain all capabilities from defense companies indefinitely. Instead, its goal is to offer support for capabilities that are presently needed or have verified future requirements while avoiding reconstitution costs when affordable.

Other priorities of IBAS include the following:

  • Prepare the Defense Industrial Base
  • Accelerate the defense industrial workforce
  • Cultivate emerging defense sectors
  • Mitigate and assess risks and vulnerabilities relating to urgent operational needs
  • Support the expansion and collaboration across the global DIB

Our background in the defense industry gave us familiarity with the IBAS program. Therefore, we can provide expert guidance throughout the process. Our team has helped defense industries build ITAR compliant facilities with funding from IBAS, and we can extend the same experience to you.

Let Campbell Corporation Design Your ITAR Compliant Facility

An ITAR facility has more expanse and control requirements than usual facilities. Fortunately, you can trust Campbell Corporation to design an ITAR compliant facility while helping you secure funding from the IBAS program. Contact us today to schedule a consultation, and we can kickstart your journey to an efficient, compliant, and cost-effective ITAR facility today!